This is one of those special that I can ALWAYS identify myself with...and ONE where EVERYONE can identify themselves with as well.
Seal is a special singer, he give's such life to every song he sings! His raspy voice has depth and so much character. Can you tell I'm a big fan : )
"Love's Divine"
deals with the search of oneself, the search for that fulfillment and recognition of the time spent blind and empty. In the song he mentions a rainstorm, a cleansing that brought about the awakening of the soul...the actions that needed to come about from a senseless past...a past of denial.
Love is what will give the answer, the path that will show the best of everything in LIFE.

Were ALL in need of "Love's Divine", the clarity that we feel most of the time when we feel warm and fuzzy inside. This is why I LOVE rain so much, we need a good cleansing here and there! There's clarity when it rains, a smell of desire. Of course, when we drive in it it can get messy, but overall, I'm in love with the cleansing action of it all, the fact that water comes from the heavens and brings about NEW LIFE when were most in need.
GOD is Good...
HE brings about the daily motions and allows us to live freely in any way shape or form we desire, yet, HE also sets a time to make sure EVERYTHING comes full circle, we like to call this "Coincidence", as I've mentioned in past blogs. There's nothing you can hide from this higher being, if anything, whether there's doubt or LOVE in your heart, HE does nothing to make you feel uncomfortable. HE allows there to be room for happiness, sadness, frustration, laughter, anger, etc., and once we've had enough and hit a wall, HE's always there to make sure we don't bruise, and if we do bruise, HE's there to heal...and if we break, HE's there to help us piece ourselves back together, consider HIM the glue to help us look our very best and be held together once again. Were also allowed to get angry, for not understanding what it is and who it is we are at various times in our lives, this is where we want to grab onto HIM the most, and HE's there : )I'm sure Seal himself needs this at this time as much as I do, and some of you out there as well:
you are Love's Divine, the divinity that heals a bruised and broken heart, you are what we want to feel in times when were most vulnerable. You send out your Angels to guide us always and in our time of need and have them report back to you to let you know our status, and as you know, were in need of your cleansing, your soft touch that cures frowns, bad moods, and emptiness. I pray that you keep us within your reach and allow us to learn from our very own mistakes, trials and tribulations. Even when at times we want nothing to do with you, you STILL allow us to come within your circle to join you once again in your NEVERENDING heart, and for that, I myself will be eternally grateful! I pray for clarity, understanding, patience, and knowledge of what was here, and what is to come in the next coming days and months.
PLEASE help us heal in our time of need and PLEASE allow us to find that Love's Divine, which is YOU!
I pray this on behalf of everyone in search of Love's Divine,
whoever you are out there, were in this this together <3