and have taken care of every aspect and action of this name and what it stands for:-->"RE-INVENTION=GR8-T HAIR"
Thus far, we've been happy with how receptive the world has greeted not only the name, yet how every time we hear "Busy Little Queen" there's always a smile that follows. My sister Mari is also my business manager, therefore, we have meetings over what goes on with any association with
upcoming projects, image, what's being portrayed behind the chair, etc. She makes sure all is flowing in the right direction and makes sure MY head is on straight with everything that's going on, for I'm the one that's executing every aspect that involves work.To my salon clienteles, there's only one side that they always see, and usually it's a 2-2 1/2 hr. view. To the studios, it's only what job I have in front of me for the camera the one side they see. As I carry the name "Busy Little Queen", I constantly get asked the question, "Are you REALLY that BUSY?" The answer is...YES.
Thankfully, ALL that I do and ALL that I have I give Glory and Praise to GOD, without HIM, nothing is possible.
I take care of 2 clientele's in 2 different and distinctive locations, I work in the Entertainment Industry as a freelance hairstylist for recording artists and models, I'm a signed make-up artist and hairstylist to a major network, I network my own website and social sites making sure all is up to date, answer emails, send emails for new job opportunities, set up my own photo shoots, and most of the time work anywhere from 6-7 days a week sometimes with no days off for 3-4 weeks at a time, and I have family that I hardly get to see, but when I do, I cherish every moment I have. ALL this, and I still have my sanity!
There are times my patience will get tested, this past week was one of those weeks, yet I make sure I keep my composure because of the professional image I have, although, I am human and make sure I have other outlets I allow myself to explore. My phone is always on for anyone to reach me with anything they need, and yet, as some take advantage of this opportunity, I make sure it's a 50/50 road, nothing more and nothing less. I hear all the good with the bad and there are times my heart is so scrunched that it's hard to focus, although that's where my sister chimes in with the best that she can give me both personally and professionally.

A special THANK YOU to ALL who have supported and continue to support
BUSY LITTLE QUEEN & COMPANY! Stay tuned for more to come and much more to live....
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