Happy Mother's Day to all the PAST, PRESENT, and FUTURE Mother's of the world! Thank you for being you and allowing LOVE to fill your hearts everyday of your LIVES!!!
It's funny how this year Easter came late and all of the sudden Mother's Day is here!

Luckily my Mom knows and understands the demands of my career, although, when I went to go visit her this afternoon she did express concern about how I handle my time and how I'm running around all over the place. It's no easy task when trying to explain to my Mom what exactly is going on at the moment and why it is that I'm all over the place. The best thing I was able to say to her was that she needed to trust me and that I know how to take care and run my affairs. It turned out to be a drawn out conversation about how she doesn't want me to kill myself doing what I do, yet I had to make sure I told her that the reason why I'm making sacrifices is because I take my craft very seriously and I want to make sure I build a better future for myself. As much as I was trying to state my point, it did take her a while to get what I was talking about. We were at least able to come to an understanding, state each others point and I gladly said, "Thank you for your concern Mom, thankfully, ALL is good : )"
The good thing is that she liked her present, I gave her Lady Antebellum and the new Sara Evans albums. She loves country music, so I thought I would introduce her to the "Pop/Country" genre of today.
I consider myself very lucky to still have a Mom that cares for me and wants to know what's going on in my life. As much as we tend to agree to disagree, she's still my Mom and ALL my respect goes to her. I can always see her side and how she worries about us kids, I too would be a nervous wreck if I was her child! The one thing she did say today was that she's very proud of who and what I've become..that meant a lot to me : )
Thank You Mom for everything you've taught me and all that I have learned from you to this day, for it has made me and molded me into who I am inside and out!
Happy Mother's Day!!!
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