La Generalissima
An elite writer with such style and wisdom, she is one of my "Blog" mentors and I am so happy to share with you a view and funny tale of how "walking in someone else's shoes" made a great impact and gave us such laughs! Without further ado, Generalissima..WELCOME!
I’m so honored for the invitation to a co-blog adventure with Busy Little Queen. Erik can find depth in a thimble full of water, so I’ll do my best to keep up! That said, we’re here for some fun too--and so I dish:
Busy Little Queen:
Ooooo girl let's do this!

BLQ: Hahahaaha! I still remember that, my sister was looking at me like I was craaazy! Oh that special lunch of ours!
LG: We loved us our Erik, but that was one bit of wisdom we wanted no part of. His sister already had her love/hate/love issues with shoes that never fit right and I’m tall enough to get vertigo from any heel past 3 inches. As for the masochism of it all; well, hell no!
BLQ: Hey..the taller the better no?? With lengthy legs, show them off, at the same time, strutting your stuff is what it' all about, "left and right, swish and swish"! hahahaha! me out Generalissima...

BLQ: Girl~ I trained myself for a month and a half in my $75 Hollywood Blvd. purchased heels! They are still so beautiful! My calves were hot as ever! I really wanted to make the transformation from boy to girl, for just once in my life, so that I could say, "I felt, looked, AND walked like a Pussycat Doll...Nicole Scherzinger who?" I never fell, and, I was hit on by both MEN and WOMEN!!! Score!
LG: Jajajajaja! BLQ you're too much!
BLQ: It's true Generalissima...I felt so pretty and special! Oh, but the the shaving of my body was not a great endeavor! Thank goodness I'm a boy!
~Both laughing hysterically~
LG: Well, the Monday after the big Halloween shindig came and Mari told us all about their day. Her hubby, not to be outdone, had dressed as gothy illusionist Criss Angel. Yep, it was 2008. And Erik? He had walked an agonizing trek from the parked car to the house in those sexy heels. At the lunch table, Erik was his usual sweet and honest self, but he didn’t mention anything about us wearing stilettos. The next time Mari came to work in a new pair of cute, sensible shoes, I asked if Erik complained about her choice. “No, he helped pick them out!”
BLQ: I did!! I'm not a fan of the "Granny shoes" that she's addicted to at times purchase, and let me tell y'all, my sister has great taste for shoes...and I can understand being comfy, and this time, I had to give in to comfy, but like you put it Generalissima, they were cute and sensible : )
LG: And there lies the truth in the cliché; you really don’t know what’s up on the other side of a situation until you put yourself in their shoes. Erik may have another side to this story; so like him, I won’t talk the talk. I’ll let him say his piece. I just won’t do it in stilettos..jajajajaja!
BLQ: Chica you said it all!!! It was a fun time but yet I found such pressure trying to always look and sit like a lady...and I remember my sister saying, "Keep up Erik, STRUT those heels! (as I'm crossing Sunset Blvd.)" and when I take a drink of my soda, she said, "Don't drink so many liquids, cause then I wont be able to undo your outfit in the bathroom!" hahahahaha! So true but my goodness the pressure! These stilettos will ALWAYS be in my closet, or should I say my sister's closet for now, but will forever be my living testament to "In who's Shoes"!!!
Thank you Generalissima for your time, love, and talents that you have brought to
"Busy Little Queen Says"..can't wait for next month's! Love you!
LG: Love you my Busy Little Queen!! These memories are great to relive...thank you for having me : ) Hasta la proxima West Coast!
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