In this post, we'll discuss the 1st half of 2011-->
January-June 2011
I remember after the Holiday's in 2010 I was wondering what would be coming up within the New Year, what would be the next move for me in a professional and personal sense. Little did I know that I would be learning quite a couple lessons out of me wanting to help others, something I've been doing the majority percentage of my life.
January 2011 started out like any other year, me working my butt off at 2 different salons and trying to balance my studio work for Telemundo and build connections at all 3 of my jobs. By this time it had already been a year and a half that I hadn't written any new music, being that my last music venture was released in August 2009, and I was bursting with the simple fact of just wanting to write something down and get it out into the world. So one night as I was streaming Facebook, a couple of my friends had put down their new "Blog" entries as their status updates, and I went ahead and read them and saw that they belonged to "Blogspot.com"...that is when I decided to open my own "Blogspot.com" account and started to write down thoughts and I myself started to post them weekly. This was a lifesaver for me!!! That is how "Busy Little Queen Says" was born : )
Now between my weekly blogs, 3 jobs and constant traveling to Riverside and Los Angeles counties, I discovered, yet again, that I needed time to relax, and in March, I went to Las Vegas with 3 girlfriends and was able to spend quality time with them. The food was great, the Luxor Spa was relaxing, Celine Dion was amazing, and David Copperfield was astoundingly fun and witty. It was a quick trip yet one that proved to be much needed.
After the Las Vegas trip I went into full gear with my career and really had no time to view the other projects I was planning for 2011. There are times, when you plan certain goals for yourself where in the beginning, they sound fun and perfect, until the Universe has it's way with your mind and you decide to put things on hold.
In Telemundo I was making progress with my make-up artistry on the news anchors as best to my ability, trying to learn new techniques and as with anything, dealing with both ups and downs...it's ART, it comes with the territory.

By June 2011, I was granted my apartment in Pasadena, which was fulfilling to me in so many ways yet it was something that happened so quick. With everything going on professionally, it took me 3 weeks to fully move in, but I got there, with the help of family and friends! In the salon's, the demands for having long and blond hair with the clientele was HUGE, as it is with every summer, all the while in one of the salon's I was working for at the time, me and a couple other selected stylists were working double time because of the amount of work we were generating, little did we know what would be coming of it in the next couple months....
You left me in suspense! Hehehe