For some reason I had thought I's already written about this song, looking back at all my entries, I guess I haven't yet, and it seems fitting for how many people are feeling these days, this one's for ALL of you!

This song contains FREEDOM, STRENGTH, INDEPENDENCE and SELF RELIANCE...all the qualities you receive when
"turning the page" and "closing a chapter" in LIFE.
We've all had that one person in our world that's made us believe we were "something" only to see we were nothing special to them. Having squeezed every positive ounce out of us, promised the world when all they left was everything in shambles, might I add the empty body that once possessed our glowing and alluring soul.
Once that person's left our realm, reality starts to kick in and slowly we start to realize what we lost in the battle of trying to impress someone else. Then we also start to find that empathy has nothing to do with healing unless we kick start the tears out of our eyes. After the "Good Cry", things out of nowhere start to look up and we see what the Universe truly has in store for us.
In the song Kina mentions the following:
"Things are lookin' up for me now
like Karma's makin' its rounds
Its my
turn now, won't be held down no
Karma's gonna visit you too
You gotta pay for the things you put me through
I hope you do, I hope you do, yeah, yeah"
I'm always telling people to NEVER wish bad on the one's who've done you wrong, because it's bad Karma for us...yet in a way, we know that Karma does have it's way and its time when it goes full circle, and whatever wrong and impure someone does to you, they'll get their own negativity, one way or another, no need to worry on that note.
Now one of my favorite progressions of this song is the bridge where Kina sings the following empowerment:
"Needed to make me weak to help you feel stronger
I know y'all bitches think I'm somewhere dyin' inside
Oh yeah, poor Kina, she went home
She couldn't take it no longer
But I'm right here
I'm right here
I'm right here "
I know y'all bitches think I'm somewhere dyin' inside
Oh yeah, poor Kina, she went home
She couldn't take it no longer
But I'm right here
I'm right here
I'm right here "
Pretty much it's saying, "What NOW?! I took you on now I can take ANYTHING!" In the end, it's our recovery that makes us NEW and EMPOWERED no matter the circumstance.
Some of us it takes longer to recover, we may be left feeling like a "Girl from the Gutter", and instead of dreading the title, OWN it! As long as we make the progression to a better place, we'll be able to cross ANY bridge we come face to face with, there won't be ANYTHING to be scared of....that I know and promise you <3
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