This might be a bit familiar to those of you who read US Weekly magazine. I'm an avid reader of the magazine and actually really enjoy the section where it picks a celebrity to share 25 things we don't know about them. Very fascinating what most of them like to share!
I myself am no celebrity whatsoever, though every week my clients in both the Salon and Entertainment worlds learn something new about me and vice versa. So why not share 25 things about myself with all of you that the vast majority actually don't know..???! Right???! we go:
1. My name is spelled Mom has misspelled it various times throughout the last 30 years....Erick, Eric, Ericck...pretty funny!
2. My sister Mari named me Erik when I was born, I was actually going to be named Michael.
3. I LOVE flat tastes really delicious to me, way better than bubbly soda.
4. I'm a singer/songwriter whose vocal range expanded to 4 octaves at one point (now it's 3 octaves, just need to stretch it out again).
5. I pursued my music career for 7 years and released 4 independent albums (2 solo, 2 group), had a development deal for a year on the East Coast though the indie label folded (so did my deal).
6. I tried out for American Idol Season 2 in 2002 and made it to Hollywood in the top 500.
7. Got to Audition for a local theater production of "RENT"...they liked my singing, though skeptical I could bring the character to LIFE.
8. I've never cried while doing someone's hair in my 13 year career, thankfully!
9. I met Destiny's Child in 2005 and was speechless! Beyonce, Michelle and Kelly were amazing!
10. Had 2 bad celebrity experiences, one with Robin Thicke in 2010 and Kobe Bryant in 2005...not impressed whatsoever.
11. Every time I wake up extremely early for work (like 4 am) I feel drunk without having consumed liquor the night before.
12. I do Hair/Make-Up because I love it, point blank!
13. I've cried while watching one of the "Rugrats" movies...Chuckie didn't have a Mommy (Oh Gosh)!
14. I'm a cookie monster...favorite being Mrs. Fields' Macadamia Nut....mmmmm!
15. I once stayed up for 48 hrs. straight and worked 16 hrs. each day (Ex-boyfriend drama)...was ready to pass out.
16. As a kid I wanted He-Man and wanted to be She-Ra (80's Cartoons).
17. Pizza is my all time favorite food ever...I can eat it for days!
18. Love Country music due to Tim McGraw, whom I've seen 6 times and want to go for a 7th time sometime soon.

20. In school I got an "A-" in Chemistry and a "C+" in Biology....go figure!
21. I've only been in "Love" once in my life (Age 15-18).
22. GOD is everything to me....and yes Gay Catholic Queen Bears do exist.
23. The most annoying thing to ever make me not like you is to NOT appreciate yourself for who you are...LOVE yourself no matter what...if not, this Queen will let you know the TRUTH.
24. Haters who hate on me show their colors very quick, my SILENCE makes them quiver and I have every nasty text ever sent to me saved in a wonderful file ready for HR to get a hold of should it ever go to that extent...go on..I DARE YOU!
25. As Selena herself said it best, "The impossible is possible"...thus far, thankfully I've achieved 85% of my dreams in 30 years, only 2 more to's to the FUTURE!
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