Sitting on my bed, listening to my i Tunes, and focusing on what really serves as my main subject matter makes my whole day all worth while. It really doesn't take much to please me, and if you know me very well, you'll know you have my heart with one of 3 things, if not, all of them:
- Starbucks Chai Latte
- Food
- Saying, "I Love You" and really mean it
Along with the 3 things that melt my heart, I've discovered that when getting the opportunity to write these Blogs, I'm able to connect a lot more with an audience that just wants to take a step back from life and escape from the everyday routine.
When I used to compose my music I used to always want to get away in my fantasy world, where no one can tell me anything and the lyrics just came to mind. There's something new and refreshing when I had that that I haven't actually composed anything since my last band record in 2009, I was able to re-discover what I used to love doing before and have many notebooks filled inner most thoughts and events that capture LIFE LESSONS!
Yes I'm only 27, but I have to say a lot has happened, I've been able to learn from so much and yet be able to actually say "I'm a happy and satisfied individual". I do love what I do, even though I have my days just like anyone else, and if there's ever a time I forget where I'm going or lose my way, I always remember what my Mom said to me when I came out of the "closet":
"You are who you are Erik, you were born my son and no one will take you away from me or change you because this is YOU, always love yourself first and foremost, and always smile!"

So with that in mind, in the words of my Mom and I'm sure many Mom's out there in the world,
"Always Love Yourself First and Foremost"