10 years later, present day, my dreams are that of an individual in his late 20's who wants to make the world a better place by showing others that a simple smile can do a thousand things. The harder I work the more driven I get to want to tell everyone that LIFE is not to waste and wither away, LIFE is for growth and for building the best structure you can out of everyday VALUE.
Whether I work with a singer, actor, T.V. personality or an everyday individual, not one person is worth more than the other, everyone in my eyes are as EQUAL as they come. I'm baffled by how the sense of rank seems to put individuals on a higher plane, so far up we can't reach them because apparently, they have others protecting them. Then let me ask this, why even continue to say and act like LIFE is so precious and so important when the complete opposite is being shown? I say, that's SEGREGATION at it's best!

I'll have to say that for me, my biggest dreams were achieved when I was able to help capture a glimpse of happiness to a client who was so down on herself that nothing else mattered in the world. I knew how to fight for the dream of happiness, I knew the pattern to achieve it. So we gave it our best, and needless to say, she is now living what she longed for..her DREAM!